Sunday, July 19, 2020

Block Codes Suggestions

Hello everyone, I like to make this blog post to say a suggestion I had for programs that uses block codes to create stuff. I had this idea for a couple years now so if any developers that makes anything with Block Codes, this blog post will help give a suggestion to make Block Code a bit for Flexible.

I don't know if anything has this feature in it yet but my suggestion is to add custom block codes. Most block codes are like functions in a way and sometimes events as well. This suggestion I had would allow the use to create custom functions and event to the block codes drag and drop. This will be handy because block codes won't have everything and people will just create one of it and be able to create tons of it from writing only one function.

I also have an idea of how this will work. I will only mark it for function as I don't really know how it would 100% be done for events. For functions, there will be, of course, an editor for it. In the editor the person can write the function and inside can write any code in it that could relate to the programming language the functions belongs with. But for parameters, it will be a bit different as it should add in a property menu for parameters where the user can write each parameter down, separated by the separate syntax for the programming language and you should be able to highlight the parameter and set custom predefined words to that parameter for you to use a drop-down list in the block codes, or you could make it custom text as well.

That is my suggestion for it as it seems like a really good idea to add in anything block code drag and drop features. Hopefully this wasn't too confusion to read.