Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The true greed of Tinder | Possibly been scammed by Tinder

 I am a single guy who uses Tinder to try to find that special someone. I knew Tinder was greedy, but last night on (03/08/2023), I now seen how greedy Tinder is.

Yesterday, I decided to subscribe to Tinder Gold to see who liked me. Well, that subscription was not even worth it. Not because of the subscription, because of Tinder. As a couple hours later, I was banned from Tinder. The only thing I did was dislike and like the people who like me. I only like one person and sent a message and such. 2 hours later, I seen she messaged me back and when I opened Tinder, she wasn't in my messages. So, I thought she might of unmatched me.

So, I swiped left and right on some people. Took a break and then around 11pm, I went on Tinder to do some more swiping since I have unlimited likes and when I opened the app it said I was banned. Like what the heck. I literally paid $25 plus tax for pretty much nothing as I was banned that night. At first, I thought I did something wrong by accident, so I went through the ToS and Community guidelines of Tinder and I didn't see anything I could of broke. So, I contact Tinder through support to tell them I think it was a mistake because I am certain I did nothing and I read through the ToS and Community guidelines carefully. Within the hour, I got a response. They agent said the same thing that I was banned, not even trying to help me. Tinder has not appeal process but I tried anyways. Tinder pretty much is saying to that that if you get banned even if you did not do anything to break ToS then you are pretty much screwed, even creating a new account is a hassle as you have to use a VPN, a new phone number, new photos.

I have searched online for what to do, and while looking through Reddit on the r/tinder, I see a oddly specific comment that they say how other people got banned from Tinder after making a subscription. Here is a link to that comment.

It was so oddly specific to what happened to me that it got me thinking. Did Tinder scam me. A well-known popular, high quality dating service scamming?

After thinking about it, that may be possible. Even if they didn't ban me after subscribing, for a feature where you only get to see your likes and have unlimited likes for the price of $25/mo, that itself is a scam. Having unlimited likes and being able to see your likes barely would dent in resources. 

I ain't the only one though who got banned for no reason, that post with the comment I linked, they say they didn't do anything. If I viewed that post before I got banned, I would of probably thought they probably did something. But now after I got banned, I would believe it. Plus, when searching online about getting banned on Tinder for no reason, I am not the first and probably am not the last.

The reason I made this post is to spread awareness and warn others about Tinder. Heck, I even reported the app to Google that they most likely scammed me. Hoping for it to be taken down. However, by myself won't make a difference. If you got banned after making a subscription, I encourage you to report the app to the App Store or Play Store.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

What Izuku Midoriya's (Deku) quirk might of been?

 Everyone knows that there is a chance Deku was born quirkless. I say quirkless as there are theories that his quirk was probably stolen as his doctor who diagnosed him as quirkless looks like the doctor who works for All For One. Anyways, Deku gain One For All from All Might and had multiple quirks at his disposal. But now, you are probably wondering what kinds of quirks he could of have if he had one.

Both of Deku's parents had quirks, which would make Deku a rare case of being quirkless. His father has an unnamed fire breathe quirk while Deku's mother can attract small objects. By using this data, I thought of quirks Deku may of have.

Heat Wave

Heat wave would give Deku the ability to heat up the air around him to high temperatures. However, it is possible that Deku wouldn't be resistant to the heat. I say possibly because I don't know much about his father. As if his father was resistant to heat, Deku could use his quirk without burning himself out.

Burning himself out - A 50/50 chance, even if his father has fire resistance or not.


Quirk Type: Emitter

He could inherit an advanced version of his mother's quirk. Which would turn that quirk into a telekinesis quirk. Where Deku could influence physical objects without physically touching it.


Quirk Type: Emitter

Deku could be able to control fire. Control fire as in control in from a already lit fire, he wouldn't be able to create fire from his body like Endeavor or his son, Shoto. This quirk would be highly useful as he could instantly put out fires from a building or juggle fire if he really wanted to. Although he might not be fire resistant though if he isn't controlling the fire.


Quirk Type: Emitter

Currently, Deku has this quirk because of One For All. This quirk allows the user to levitate in the air. This is a result of Deku's mother's quirk mutating.


Quirk Type: Emitter

Like the quirk title implies, he would be able to fly. This is another possible mutation from his mother's quirk.

Enhanced Fire Breathe

Quirk Type: Emitter

Deku could have a more powerful fire breathe quirk. Where the flames may be way hotter. Since I don't know much of how Deku's father quirk works, I couldn't really describe much here.

Object Magnet

Quirk Type: Emitter

It could give Deku the chance to turn any object into a magnet just by touching it. That object would be able to attract any objects for a duration of time. Another cool mutation from his mother's quirk.

Attract Small Objects

Quirk Type: Emitter

Deku could completely inherit his mother's quirk of just attracting small objects to himself. Since Attract Small Objects isn't the official quirk name, it's possible that with training, you could attract literally anything to himself like a magnet.

Fire Breathe

Quirk Type: Emitter

Deku could inherit his father's quirk complete and have his fire breathe.

Completely new quirk

Quirk Type: Anything

As shown with Eri and Tomura, he could be given a new quirk not related to his parents. This could literally be anything. Maybe he could be able to control water, be able to manipulate time, maybe a weaker quirk or be able to just extend his fingers. Possibilities are endless. here. Maybe even a new and more superior All for One version quirk. Had to add that one in.


Here is my list of all the quirk Deku could of probably got if he wasn't quirkless. However, since Deku probably has his parent's quirk genes inside him and we know that he does have his own kids in the future, there may be a chance that Deku's kids may gain any of the listed quirks. Maybe even an enhanced version of the quirks listened above, if Deku still has One For All. Although, I'm not really sure how that would work. Maybe Tomura's rare quirk mutation is the result of One For All, since Tomura's grandmother, Nana inherited One For All. And if Nana had Kotaro while she had One For All, there may be a link. Still lack of infomation though to really know.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Why Google Plus never succeeded

Most of you probably are saying. What's Google Plua? Well, Google Plus was a social platform created by Google back in 2011. Google Plus closed back in 2019.

I have used Google Plus, but I only posted like 3 or 5 posts, ever. So anyways, why didn't Google Plus work out. Well, it is a bit obvious. And it is one word, uniqueness. Everyone knows Discord, a social platform originally intended for gaming. It succeeded big time because of how unique it was compared to other platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. I think of Discord one of the most unique social platforms out there. Which is probably why for its rapid success.

Back to Google Plus (I was kind of enjoying talking about Discord), it was pretty much and share what's on your mind social platform. That was pretty much it. However, there are already a bunch of social platforms everyone already uses that does that. Facebook and Twitter are the big ones. This doesn't really make Google Plus attractive to most people since everyone else already uses platforms that does the same thing that has more features.

On Facebook, you can message, play web games, shop, post statuses, and more.

On Twitter, you can message people, post tweets, and more. 

On Google Plus, you could post posts, and message people. 

What could make Google Plus successful

Well, I am not sure what would make Google Plus successful. However, it is by Google, who collects massive amounts of data from users. So, Google could of see what problems others may have on other social platforms or even directly ask. Then Google could make a unique social platform that could suit everyone's needs.

Google Plus really looks like they didn't really put much effort into it. Heck, Google probably knew it wasn't really going to survive long so they didn't bother putting too much effort in it. Google Plus even had quite a bit of bugs in the platform as well. One that even led to a lawsuit as a bug involved a user's privacy. This part,

I do have a source about the privacy bug ((37) Is this Google Plus Litigation Email a Scam? - YouTube). Uploaded by Pleasent Green, a youtuber who checks to see what is a scam or not. A scam baiter that isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. The video I list is seeing if an email from Google is a scam or not. Spoiler, it's not.


This is why I believe Google Plus never succeeded. There wasn't anything that it could distinguish by the other social platforms. Meaning, Google put no heart into it. Just something they wanted to do.

If you ever want to make your own social platform, try to find a way to make it unique and try to find other problems with other platforms that you can improve on yours. Advertising is also quite important as well.