Sunday, May 16, 2021

Best place to be in in a Zombie Apocalypse.

Zombies are supposedly a fiction tale, many may think, but it can easily become a reality. There are actually some diseases that only affect insects that can give effects like a Zombie. One being Ophiocordyceps unilateralis which mainly infects the carpenter ants and hijacks its brain, imagine what would happen if it evolves to infect humans and somehow transmuted with rabies, yeah, that wouldn't be pretty. It would learn that the best way to reproduce is by bite or scratch, as that would be more efficient and hopefully they don't know how to read either. Just in case, this doesn't work, it can't be efficient.

Finished my rambling for now. But now for the question, you are all possibly wondering, what is the best place to be in when you are in a zombie apocalypse and NOT a zombie. You probably already guessed it, and you should probably move to a village, town, or city that has one, a good one. It's Walmart. 

Yep, it is indeed Walmart, to some, it may be silly, but it got everything and lacks entrances, it is strong and sturdy, with very few entrances and exits to cover. Has guns, ammo, food, plants, tools, electronics, everything you need, all in one place. You can probably live in a Walmart for years, without a worry. As long as you keep maintenance around the store, everything should be fine.

I don't want to give all the credit to me, but to a co-worker of mind. I actually work at Walmart and my one co-worker was either jokingly or seriously talking about how the new vaccines would turn everyone into zombies like from Resident Evil, as I heard anyway, where everyone took an unknown vaccine and turned into zombies. Don't really know the plot, but that what I heard. But as long as the vaccine isn't made of something alive, it shouldn't turn people into zombies. If it does, well, they must be pretty desperate and everyone should research whatever was in the vaccine and just to find an antidote, just in case. But anyways though, we were all talking about how Walmart would be the safest area to be because of the lack of entrances. There are sky windows, but the only way to get on the roof is inside the store.

Now, what if everyone just turned into a zombie inside Walmart, with you inside. Well, that is easy, your first instinct should be to go into housewares or sporting goods. I recommend sporting goods more, however. Once in sporting goods, get guns and weapons and have at them, make sure you ONLY kill the zombies as in a Zombie apocalypse, you should have people to survive with, the more the merrier, but not much though. If you have about over 10 people, you should start gardening immediately, just hope it starts close to the summer.

But that is my input on this whole zombie thing. I do plan to make a couple more posts, like how to survive a zombie apocalypse and who would most likely die in one.

Fun Fact: Most of my dreams I have are actually about a zombie apocalypse. They aren't actually nightmares to me, they are actually exciting, trying to survive. 

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