Sunday, May 24, 2020

Minecraft Tips - Going Mining

When you are going mining, there are a few things you might need to know before you head down. There may never be any perfect way but this way is what I found best while playing Minecraft.

If you are just wanting to going a little dip in a cave for resources such as granite or cobblestone than you don't really need to read all of this yet. These instructions are meant for if you want to explore very deep in the cave, to uncharted/untorched areas.
  • Inventory: Make sure you keep everything you most likely need in a chest at your base/spawn point. The supplies that is recommended to have will be included in the supplies area of this passage.
  • Supplies: Grabbing the right supplies is quite important, depending on the situation, you don't want to starve down there or lost.
    1. 4 Pickaxes - Pickaxes are most important, you should at least have 4 in your inventory, iron is most preferred as most ores can be mined from an Iron pickaxe or higher. Plus iron is actually quite common as well. Which you might saying it isn't compact. Well, as you know, pickaxes has durability and once they break, you have more room for resources.
    2. 1-2 Stacks of Sticks - You are probably wondering why but it is quite obvious, stick are needed for torches and is more compressed than torches as you may need more space for resources. Keeping just sticks is also way more efficient than just keeps oak planks as you might need to create torches quickly.
    3. Stack of torches - Make sure you keep 1 stack of torches, no more than one stack since you need room for resources and you never know how much you get, you might just be filled to the brim with good resources and than you found diamonds, you won't have no room so it is good to get as compact as possible.
    4. 1 Sword (Needed if not on peaceful) - A sword is important in a cave, if you are on easy, normal, hard, or even hardcore mode, you will most likely need a sword to defend yourself, especially if you found a dungeon.
    5. 1 Crafting Table - You will need a crafting table just in case you accidentally used up all your pickaxes and found something really good.
    6. 1 Stack of Building blocks - You also need one stack of any kind of block, as long as it can drop itself and isn't intractable, as that will be a pain. Although you can mine blocks, why waste the pickaxe to do so, unless you just need like cobblestone, which if that is a case than just bring pickaxes.
    7. 1 Stack of food - It is also best to bring 1 stack of food of any kind. Just make sure it is enough and make sure to use them wisely.
    8. A Shovel - A shovel is also important because you might accidentally crush yourself with a bunch of gravel or sand and using a shovel can easily get you out of that.
  • Optional Supplies: I am going to list some supplies that you have an option to bring which might be handy enough in different situations.
    1. Potions: Fire Resistance - When bring some extra supplies, it is best to bring a fire resistance potion along with you as there are plenty of lava spots that you could burn yourself with and lose your stuffs forever. This is marked as optional because a brewing stand is made with a blaze rod which is found in the nether which you need to get there with an obsidian portal which is usually found underground.
  • Armor: It is best to put on good armor before going very deep in the mine as you may just need because if you die from fall damage or from a mob, depending on how good your memory is or where you were where you died, by the time you get there, all your stuff will probably despawn so it is best to bring good armor.
I am going to also list some very important rules about cave exploration as it is very important to know them.
  1. Don't dig straight up or down
    • Why: The reason as to not dig straight down because you might dig straight down to a ravine that has a huge lake of lava or just fall to your death. You also don't dig straight up as there might be lava above you or just sitting gravel that will suffocate you. 
These are all the tips I know from other people's past experience or sayings and from my experiences, so I hope that if you read this that this helped you or was quite interesting for you to read.

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