Saturday, May 9, 2020

So, you messed up your sleep schedule

So, you messed up your sleep schedule. Let's say you use to sleep at about 10:00 - 11:00 PM but than every night you texted or called your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend and realized you stayed up a bit too late, not keeping track of time, you realized you been going to sleeping late. You freak out because of work or school. I will share a healthy way and some unhealthy ways of getting your sleep schedule back on track.

A simple way to do it as healthy as you can is to not just all of a sudden try to go to sleep at 11:00 PM again, you will just have trouble going to sleep. A simple one would be every night pay attention to the time and try to sleep one hour or 30 minutes before what you went to sleep before. Continue this process until you went to sleep at the time you wish to start sleeping at. This is only logic sense as it may or may not work but may be more healthier towards everyone.

This of course takes time to do, but if you want to for some odd reason wanna find a shortcut (Mind you that this way is quite unhealthy.) Stay up all that night and than you will be so tired that you will go to sleep at the time you wish. There are some things that could unexpectedly happen. Such as you could all of a sudden collapse and fall asleep during the day, which could mess up your sleep schedule even more. Plus, it could decrease your life span and make you prone to sickness.

There is one other shortcut that might just be in the middle of being healthy and unhealthy. Which is taking Melatonin. You don't need a prescription for it, as it is something your brain makes. The unhealthy part of it is the side affects, to most people, it is safe but might cause some problems to people who has a bleeding disorder or is pregnant. Melatonin could make someone with a bleeding disorder bleed.

Both sleeping too much and sleeping too little could be bad. Which you are saying how come bears can sleep for months, how can it be a bad thing to sleep too much. Well, it is a simple answer, bears eats a lot before they go into hibernation. It is kind of like a coma, doctor's put someone on life support, meaning they insert the nutrition and others into our body to keep us alive. Sleeping too long could kill us, or will just decrease our health and get us sick. Sleep isn't always the answer. For me, it is weird because when ever I get a cold I feel a lot more better when I am active but I feel a lot worst and miserable when lying down on my bed watching TV.

I decided to share this information because from these rough times and people losing their jobs. Some people will contact other people and might accidentally stay up too late and than in the future, after this whole thing blows over, it could just cause more problems to people's health, than people will blame the president and say he is a liar because Donald Trump did say "Let's make america great again", I do bet right now people are guessing second thoughts, I don't like Donald Trump but I think people shouldn't just think second thoughts on this. This whole thing was a surprise and spread way too quickly, a little too quickly I think.

Well anyways, give me feedback on my tips and please say if it worked for you or not, I am in fact trying my estimated most healthy solution right now and like if people could join the experiment. Also, if it does work for you than please share with your friends.

Sources: (These sources will include more information from what I stated.)

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