Saturday, May 9, 2020

Why your teenage child might be rebellious

Almost all parents has rebellious teenage children, I bet most of them don't know why they are like this. Well, I might have a perfect logical thought on this.

All of this is relating to people's lifestyles, some are free and some are restricted. This is a huge point to point out as to why they might just be acting rebellious. Parents who are more restricted to their children are more likely of them being more rebellious and cocky, it can also be the other way around as well. The rule is to not be too free or too restricted as being parents.

Social Interactions:
The older your child gets, the more social they get, especially at their teenage years. The reason I pointed this out is because they might just talk about their lifestyle at school, like if they get grounded for something small and then talked to their friend(s) about it, they might reply that they wouldn't get grounded for that or something similar to that. The thoughts in their head would be how unfair it is that I get grounded for that but they don't. So, let's starting explaining the thoughts of them before they get more social. Anything the parents did and what their lifestyle was, the child would think it would be the normal with any other. Since they thought that for years, it would most likely be the reason they would have a purpose to repel after hearing what their friend said. So, technically teenagers might just repel because of jealously.

This would most likely occur in a family who picks favorites, and depending on the ages of your children, one or more of your children might just repel at a young age. For explanation as to why, it is quite simple, so let's put up a scenery to help show it more.
    Youngest - 4th Grade
    Oldest - 6th Grade
    You are a parent with two children, you favored the youngest than the oldest as your youngest child was always a baby in your eyes. Your oldest got an A on their test but you just replied "okay", you see the oldest get a little frustrated at this and walked off, just thinking he is just acting like any other kids act. You than saw your youngest got a B+ on a test, You said, this needs to be hanged up on the fridge, as you kissed his cheek and said good job. You than seen your oldest look at what happened and seen that he seems to get even more frustrated. You just shrug it off, just thinking he is just acting out like any other kid.
Oldest Child
    You have a little brother that you think your parents like more than you, here is why you think that. I got an A on my test and when I showed it to your mom and said "Look mom, I got an A on my test in Science" as she looked at you she just responded "okay", you get a little upset and frustrated so you went off to your room. About 10 minutes later, you forgot to get yourself a snack before going in your room, while you went off to the kitchen, your brother ran up to you and showed you his grade, which was a B+, which wasn't that bad and than he ran off to show mom.You continued to walk to the kitchen and you heard you mom praise his and went to look in the living room, as that is where she was. You heard your mother say "we will put this on the fridge" or something like that, you get frustrated at this and you saw your mom look this way, you decided to walk off again frustrated without getting a snack.
This is of course a scenery and not much of a story, so it might just be a bit confusing depending on info and stuff like that. But anyways, this scenery is a perfect example for visuals, as you seen that you are being treated unfairly and differently.

Another Example:
Some riots and rebellions can occur when people might just disagree, think they are being unfair. But large groups of this is quite rare and mainly will only happen if a mass group of people disagree with someone/something that has higher authority than them.

The main purpose for if your teenage child might be rebellious could be because of disagreeing and jealous, which is in fact the main two things that cause it. To any new parents out there, don't be too free nor too restricted, it isn't a best strategy to be too restricted nor too free towards your child. It isn't also right to punish your child if it could obviously be the other. And if you have two children or more and they start to fight, punish both of them, not the one that started it because one of them could possibly be lying, and it can make the child rebellious as a teen, especially if they been framed for something like that.

Notice: This information was from observing and not been tested, this information could in fact actually help parents as the tips are true. Only facts that might either be false or true is if the reasons listed is in fact the reason your teenage child might be rebellious.
I would appreciate if you try it for yourself and give feedback if it works in a couple years, as I do not have kids.

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